Devour Series

The Devour Boxset
All three books in this completed series for one price!



 Clara has it all. A wrestling star boyfriend, popular friends, all the right school activities...pretty much a perfect life...up until her parents died. Now she lives with the Pastor and his family and though they take good care of her, she feels alone. Then her boyfriend, Tate, starts to show signs of trouble when a new guy, Eli, comes to town. Clara is fascinated with him but hides it until something happens. Eli confesses to her that she gives him something he's never had before...something he needs. Everything it about to change for this normal pretty popular girl in a supernatural way.



Eli and Clara's story continues as she tries to finish high school. Eli is as over protective as ever and Tate and his group of friends are no help. They wait for the Horde, always looking over their shoulder. But the ever annoying but strangely prophetic bird begins to become more of a chatter box and Eli learns something that could change some things. Not just for him and Clara, but Devourers everywhere.

Then an unexpectedness guest comes forcing Eli to flee with Clara, leaving her temporary family behind. She is thrown into his world of underground 'traitors' and learns much of his past. They meet many new people and creatures along the way to freedom. But when tragedy strikes the two, will Clara see the monster in Eli? Can she handle his strange world and awful past? Will one of them lose their life forever... 



Enoch is tested. 

His brother is human, the thing he hates. When a girl needs his help, that split second decision changes his whole world in one instant. 

A Devourer's Fate... 


  1. Love Devour, can't wait for the next bbok(:

  2. I can't wait for the next one! this is a great series for those who like the concept behind vamp novels but refuse to read anything with them in it

  3. I just read this after falling completely in love with the significance series. I read both of the significance books in a day and might go insane waiting for defiance. I cant wait for this either

  4. Impatiently waiting for more of your work to be published. While in theory I know its impossible to expect you to write one to two books a day to keep up my obsessive reading habit, there is no author I consistently enjoy reading more than you! Keep up the good work. Any idea of a solid release yet for consume? I check amazon almost.every day for more of your work!

  5. I absolutely love the devour series.To all of you who love shelly cranes work check out my blog at for my upcoming books.

  6. Please let us know the date soon for next book.

  7. DO you know when the 2nd book will come out yett?

  8. i really think you are a wonderfully,awesome writer. just love the signficance series,just finished "definace",cant wait for the last book in the series, but now i hope you say the 2nd book in the devour series is soon.
    thank you for the great books keep it up.

  9. does any one know when the new book comes out i cant wait to see what happens

  10. Can't wait for the second book! Shelly I think your an amzing author and I also loved the significance series and can't wait for the last one to come out!! Any clues as to when either of them will be coming out??

  11. you are an amazing author! I cannot wait for the second book!

  12. Please, please, please, please, please, please post the second book as soon as possible D: I'm dying here! I love Eli <3

  13. When do you think Consume is coming out?? Want to know SO bad!!! Loved the first book!

  14. Oh and who are the model/random people on the cover of this series? O'm so excited for Consume to be released!

  15. I have started all of her series and not one of them has finished!!!!! I have nothing to read:(

  16. I finished reading consumed in 2 hours! i love that book! and now eli gets to be human with clara! Now i have to wait for enochs book! eeep! ;)

  17. Can not wait for Enochs book!!!!! Super excited!!!!!!!

  18. THis is going to sound lame, but I loved how sensitive Eli was. He was just so dang adorable! And he loved Clara soooo much. I'm sad that their story is over, but look forward to Enoch's.

  19. Love your books.. I was wondering when Altered will be out? I can wait to read Enoch's story!!! :)

  20. Oh how I've been waiting for this book! I so LOVE the first two and can't wait to continue the adventure.

  21. When is Altered coming out????

  22. When is Altered coming out

  23. I started by reading your significance series (which I love). Couldn’t get enough of your books. So since I been waiting for your next book to be released in that series, I read your Devour Series. Even though it’s only 3 books in the series I was heartbroken when I was done. Heartbroken because I finished the series and I wanted more!! I fell in love with Enoch from the first book and once I got to the 3rd book I was hopelessly in love!!!
    Is there anyway for more books to be added to this series??? Please say yes?!?!? Would love to see another book maybe them in 5 years???
    Thank you for all your fantastic books!!!

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  27. Then an unexpectedness guest comes forcing Eli to flee with Clara, leaving her temporary family behind. She is thrown into his world of underground 'traitors' and learns much of his past. They meet many new people and creatures along the way to freedom. But when tragedy strikes the two, will Clara see the monster in Eli? Can she handle his strange world and awful past? Will one of them lose their life forever...
