Friday, April 20, 2012

Independence Update

After an OVERWHELMING response to Reverence
(Caleb's POV chapters and if you haven't read it it's here -
I had decided to do Independence from alternating POV's between Maggie and Caleb.
(I'll wait for your giggles to calm)
I know you're giggling, because I'm giggling! Can't wait to start this!

But for now I'm finishing up my other projects, starting with Consume, Devour #2, which releases May 22nd. No, I'm not sidestepping Independence, I'm doing them in order of how I released from the beginning and Defiance was just released in March. All of my series will be finished before next year and I already have my new series lined up and the cover done! Soooo excited about what's coming. :)

Independence has no date as of yet. I have so many things going on this year with moving and house buying and other book releases I don't feel comfortable setting a date yet, but it'll be sometime end of the year. As soon as I know, you will, too. Thank you!!!

Best wishes and happy endings,
Shelly Crane


  1. That's so exciting! I can't wait for more of your awesomeness.

  2. omg!!! i cant wait!! i just know it's gonna be awesome and totally worth the wait :D

  3. *giggles wildly* OHHHH Caleb!!! *sigh* and yay for Devour #2~~~ whooot :)


  4. I read Reverence the other day, and had a hard time remembering it was Caleb. So, I think it will be good to have more chapters from him, to get used to reading from his POV.

  5. Yes!!!! I can't wait!!!

  6. *Jumps up and down while giggling like a little girl* YAY!!! I loved Caleb's POV! Can't wait!!

  7. So stinking excited!!!! You are great!

  8. Cant wait...too excited!

  9. As long as you keep them coming, I'm ok with what ever order you want to release them. Happy writing.

  10. Aaaaahhhh amazing I love it cant wait!!!!!!!!!!

  11. OMG!!! YES!!! this makes me so happy !!!!

  12. You were right. I can't stop giggling like and squealing like a little girl. I adore Caleb. Can't wait to read more of his POV.

  13. *Giggle hysterically* Oh. My. Wow.

    May 22nd--> 31 days!


    And more Calebs POV!! *faints*

    And Independence *dies*

    But Devour... 31days... *dies and comes back to life and dies again*

  14. omg! I am so excited!!!
    I cant wait
    *jumping up and down*

  15. so excited!! :)

  16. I can't wait to read your stuff! I keep hearing the best things. It's next on my TBR list.

  17. Such awesome news, I can't wait!!!!

  18. Shelly, No one's stories have ever moved me like yours. I feel like you and i must be soul sisters. I am a 37 year old mother of two. You have brought romance back to my marriage. I have never been so happy. I loved my husband the same alwys but now have a lot more romance. I could read about Aces forever...their devotion..and because of withdrawls they have to face everything together. Thank you!!
    Katy and her even happier husband

  19. Yesssssssssssa!!!!!!!!!:D:D wow now I have another reason to add to the very long list of why I love this series and shelly crane!!!:):):)

  20. So this means Consume will be the last Devoured novel?

  21. *giggling*, but you forgot to mention "jumping up and down"!! I'm so excited that you listened to us! I love you! Oh, and I forgot about Devour! I have so many unread books on my Kindle, but HOW did I lose that in the shuffle? Now I have something to read while waiting for number 2 to release. Can't wait for more from you! (Especially when it contains Caleb...or Merrick...EEK!!) *pulling myself together now to try and resemble the adult I SHOULD be* ;)

  22. Yeah! I can't wait for the rest!!!!!!

  23. I just finished your third book. I started the first one three days ago. These books are so amazing! Please keep them coming! Also I can't even wait for the fourth book.

  24. Eeeep!!!!!! When I found out I started screaming and jumping up and down.... my family looked at me like I was crazy:) Omg sooooooo excited!!!!!!!

  25. Yay on you, Shelly! Thank you, madame - as always, you hold my literary heart in your hands.

  26. I loveeeeeee your books soooo much and can't wait for independence to come out, so far I have read three of your series, but a personal suggestion is to get a better editor. All of the series I have read of your I have falling in love with them and the characters in it

  27. I'm soo happy I loooove the books now we get Caleb's POV can it get more perfect?!?!

  28. CALEB❤❤❤❤❤❤
    I love him so mich. I found myself daydreaming about the sweet things he does and says in class and then reading his POV… I am in danger of fainting here

  29. I have SSSOOOO wanted to know what Caleb has been thinking! This is going to be SO exciting to read! Can't wait!
