Wednesday, December 28, 2011


 12 hour Read-A-Thon!!!!! 

Tiffany King (Saving Angels Series) and The Autumn Review decided "Oh what fun it is to read on a blistering winter's day! Hey!" So, they came up with this Read-A-Thon! So keep your pj's on, grab some snacks and let's read!

When: December 30, 2011
What's involved:
*You will make a selection of books to read in a 12 hour time frame.
*You will start your 12 hour reading period from the time you wake on the 30th. 
*Your books should be at least 200 pages each.
*You must post on your blog, tweet, or comment on this post to update status every hour using the hashtag #readathon .
*The person who reads the most books in the 12 hour period will win a prize. 
*We will be giving away random prizes throughout the day on Twitter. They will be book related trivia questions. 

The lists of books I'm going to try to read are: 
Sophie and Carter by Chelsea Fine
Meting Destiny by Nancy Straight
Callum and Harper by Fisher Amelie
Promise by Kristie Cook

P.S. I gave a copy of Significance to the read-a-thon along with lots of other authors so go and check them out for details @authortiffany and @theautumnreview on Twitter

Best wishes and happy endings,
Shelly Crane


  1. I'm so excited to take the 12hr challenge! This is such a great idea. Now to get my book selections ready that's gonna be tough one. You have some great choices Shelly!

  2. I read Meeting Destiny over the weekend and loved it. Enjoy!

  3. I'm reading your book right now for the read-a-thon mwhahaha (evil laugh) I wish I would have read Sophie and Carter for the read-a-thon because that book took me an hr to read :D c you on twitter later ;)
